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Ce ar trebui sa ofere o casa de expeditie?

Luarea unei decizii privind alegerea partenerului logistic ar trebui sa tina cont de cel putin trei aspecte deosebit de importante:

In primul rand, ar trebui sa va orientati dupa un partener de incredere care sa fie mereu alaturi atunci când trebuie sa luati o decizie privind nevoile pe care le aveti in legatura cu transportul.

In al doilea rand, ar trebui sa cautati o casa de expeditie cu o echipa care sa va poata oferi avantajele experientei si cunoasterii in domeniu si care va poate da sfaturi profesionale pretioase pe tot parcursul transportului. Asta include cautarea celei mai bune posibilitati de transport – transportator, pret, respectarea datelor de incarcare/descarcare.

In al treilea rand, profesionistii casei de expeditie ar trebui sa va poata informa continuu in privinta datelor, orelor, pozitionarii transportului pe traseu, pana la descarcare.

Logistics Management Solutions va propune solutia optima ca timp, bani si siguranta in ceea ce priveste transportul de care aveti nevoie. Suntem o echipa experimentata si de incredere care se asigura zi de zi ca, in cadrul casei noastre de expeditie, veti gasi cele mai bune posibilitati de transport, adaptate nevoilor si exigentelor fiecarui client in parte.

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What to Look for in a Freight Forwarder?

Taking the right decision in choosing your logistic partner should consider at least these three very important aspects:

Firstly, you should search for a trustful partner that is able to be near you in every decision you take regarding your transportation need.

Secondly, you should search for a logistic team that can offer you the advantages of their experience and know-how and that can give you professional support in decision making on the whole transport itinerary. This includes the best transport- carrier possibilities, price, meeting embarkment/disembarkation deadlines.

Thirdly, your freight forwarder should be able to inform you continuously on the timings and the position of the truck on its whole itinerary.

Logistics Management Solutions makes sure you get the optimal solution concerning time, money and safety. We are a trustful, experienced team that makes sure you get the best out of your transportation requirements.

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Guvernul Lituanian a decis sa uneasca companiile de transport sub aceeasi umbrela

Compania holding infiintata de Ministerul Transporturilor si Comunicatiilor va cuprinde initial companiile Lithuanian Railways, Problematika, Smiltynes perkela, Lithuanian Radio and Television Center, Detonas si the Lithuanian Post. Pe viitor, odata ce companiile de transport aflate sub controlul ministerului vor fi reorganizate in companii publice, vor fi de asemenea incluse sub coordonarea companiei holding. Principalul scop al acestei actiuni este de a oferi partilor implicate cele mai bune solutii pentru un transport eficient si de incredere.

Ministrul transporturilor si comunicatiilor din Lituania, Rimantas Sinkevičius, a apreciat aceasta reorganizare ca fiind benefica economiei statului avand in vedere facilitarea eforturilor de imbunatatire a eficientei de operare a companiilor de transport, reducerea costurile administrative si inlaturarea suprapunerile functionale.

Sursa: Baltic Transport Journal

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The Lithuanian government decided that state-owned transport companies shall be grouped together

The Lithuanian government decided that state-owned transport and transport related companies shall be grouped together. The transport holding company, founded by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, will comprise Lithuanian Railways, Problematika, Smiltynes perkela, the Lithuanian Radio and Television Center, Detonas and the Lithuanian Post. However, in future, once the transport companies controlled by the ministry are reorganized into public companies, they will also be added to the new group. This change has as a main aim to provide reliable transportation and provide customers with the best solutions for transport and logistics.

Rimantas Sinkevičius, Minister of Transport and Communications of Lithuania, commented on the holding decision : “This re-organization will be beneficial to the state in economic terms due to facilitation of efforts to improve operating efficiency of the companies falling within the remit of the ministry. In addition, it will help achieve better return on invested capital. The creation of a group of transport companies, which will be fully controlled by a state-owned public company, will help reduce general and administrative costs and remove function overlaps.”

Source: Baltic Transport Journal

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Eurotunnel face parte din noul index Low Carbon 100 Europe®

In aceasta luna, Grupul Eurotunnel a celebrat aniversarea a 25 de ani de la prima jonctiune a galeriilor franceza si engleza. Aceasta prima conexiune intre Insulele Britanice si Europa continentala a devenit de atunci legatura vitala pe care o cunosteam astazi cu totii.

Cu ocazia conferintei ONU din Paris pe tema schimbarilor climatice de la inceputul acestei luni, Euronext a anuntat ca a selectat compania Eurotunnel sa faca parte din noul index Low Carbon 100 Europe® . De la inaugurarea serviciului ei comercial, le Shuttle, Eurotunnel a contribuit la reducerea a aproape 3,4 milioane tone de CO2, in comparatie cu feribotul si, incepand cu 2006, Eurotunnel si-a redus de asemenea amprenta de carbon si emisiile de gaze de sera cu 55%. Asadar, aceasta decizie este vazuta ca o recompensa a celor 25 de ani de angajament continuu catre actiuni de sustinere a mediului inconjurator.

Indicele masoara performanta celor mai mari 100 companii din Europa cu cel mai mic nivel de emisii de carbon din sectorul lor de activitate. Selectia este realizata urmand o evaluare in profunzime a amprentei de carbon a fiecarei companii si este efectuata de un Comitet Stiintific compus din experti din ONG-uri, institutii publice si sectorul financiar.


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Euronext has selected Eurotunnel to join the new version of the Low Carbon 100 Europe® index

This month, the  Eurotunnel Group celebrated the 25th anniversary of the first ever junction under the Channel. That first connection between the British Isles and continental Europe has since become the vital link that we know today.

On the occasion of the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris from this month, Euronext has also announced that it has selected Eurotunnel to join the new version of the Low Carbon 100 Europe® index.  Since the inauguration of its commercial service, le Shuttle, Eurotunnel has been able to save almost 3.4 million tonnes of CO2, compared to ferry travel and, since 2006, Eurotunnel has also reduced its carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions by 55%. Therefore, this decision is seen by the company as a reward for 25 years of continuous commitment to actions in support of the environment.

The index measures the performance of the 100 largest companies in Europe with the lowest levels of Carbon emissions in their sector. The selection is made following a in depth evaluation of the Carbon footprint of each company and is made by a Scientific Committee composed of experts from NGOs, public bodies and the financial sector.


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